A singing and movement programme for learning disabled adults to explore and discuss health, wellbeing and body autonomy through their favourite songs.
our aim for learners
- Improve confidence, socialisation and citizenship.
- Engage in wellbeing and fitness activities.
- Evaluate their progress.
- Take the opportunity to engage with cultural learning through singing and music, offering a new skill with industry professionals.
- Work together, increasing presentation and performance skills.
what they will learn
- Understand what is meant by good health
- Know important aspects of keeping healthy
- Review Progress towards independent living
- Understand illness and how to identify ill-health
what they will do
- Sing and move as part of an online community group, exploring song themes, whilst being given information, support and guidance.
- Explore their bodies through movement using multi-sensory resources and differing styles of music.
- Through rehearsal and repetition, reflect on a learner’s progress utilising their ILP and verbal conversation, resulting as in a final ‘performance’ to an audience.
- Attend weekly digital sessions with a professional facilitator and experience the technical aspects of voice, sound and genre.
- Build confidence and community spirit within the digital room.
- Be given the chance to suggest songs and explore creative learning. There is the option to set one individualised target on their ILP.
how we support them
- Health and wellbeing benefits of singing as a group, breath control, posture, increased musical awareness and strengthened sense of community through friendship.
- Exercising physically, posture, breath control, heart health,
- Building body confidence and spatial awareness.
- Reflection skills, confidence, presentation skills, personal resilience and pride.
- Exploring different genres of music, confidence in making ‘noise’ and finding their voice.
- Team building skills, team-work, strengthen community, strengthen independence and communication.
- Feel more in control of life to make choices and decisions.

Work with us
Our innovative teaching methods are geared to help communities thrive beyond isolation, reigniting their health and wellbeing.
If you believe one of our programmes is what your community needs, get in touch